I’m sitting by a woodstove while the sun glistens off several feet of crisp white snow outside my window. The dark days of winter are hard, but days like this …
There’s No Place Like Home: Creating New Horizons When You’ve Been Ejected From The Scapegoat Family
“I am lucky to have good neighbours. We’ve become close-ish. Hopefully, our friendship will continue to grow. It’s a small mercy, given I uprooted my life, and departed all my …
Rejection Sensitivity: How Abandonment Wounds Distort Your Social Life And The Way You See Yourself
Imagine a moment when you walked into a room and it suddenly got quiet. Or that time in the elevator when you overheard whispering. When your friend didn’t text back …
5 Signs Of “Recovery Burnout” And Why Survivors Of Narcissistic and Scapegoating Abuse Are More At Risk
What happens when you’re in your trauma journey and you are actually too burnt out to even talk with your coach or therapist? How do you heal when the thought …
Are You Playing The Victim, Or Just Gaslighting Yourself?
It wasn’t so bad, was it? Stop playing the victim. You’re an adult now, they don’t own you. It’s in the past. You are strong. Pick yourself up and keep …
Are You The Assh*le?
“The truest marker of an unhealthy dynamic is when the emotionally mature person starts thinking they’re the asshole every time they choose to prioritize their wellbeing”. If you have never once asked …