The first thing children learn when they have a narcissistic parent is how to blame themselves. We know that this childhood abuse — whether overt psychological warfare, covert emotional manipulation, or the …

From Toxicity To Triumph
From Toxicity To Triumph
The first thing children learn when they have a narcissistic parent is how to blame themselves. We know that this childhood abuse — whether overt psychological warfare, covert emotional manipulation, or the …
How many of you didn’t pursue your goals and dreams? How many of you aren’t just grieving what happened to you, but are grieving the loss of who you wanted …
Do you ever feel the paralyzing effects of perfectionism? When I was doing my doctorate, my burnout levels were so high that I ended up having to write my entire …
“I feel like I am covered in a shroud that no one else can see and that no one else wears”, says Melissa, a 40-something mother of one. Melissa came …
“I’ve been no contact for 23 years…and I still cry every day” “I went no-contact last week and I’ve never felt more free” “I can’t keep playing this Rigged Game, …
How heavy is your mask? Are you walking around your life like “Trauma in a Trenchcoat”? Meaning, are you using up all your energy to “mask” and hide away your trauma …
“I am lucky to have good neighbours. We’ve become close-ish. Hopefully, our friendship will continue to grow. It’s a small mercy, given I uprooted my life, and departed all my …
“I still have dreams where I can’t speak. I’m with my family of origin and I’m trying to tell them what I know, what I have found out: the abuse, …
“No one would choose this! Why would anyone choose this? Who would go out of their way to be disconnected from a family that is supposedly loving, to lose all …
Finding safe and supportive communities after experiencing attachment trauma is a real battle. Not because you are undeserving, not because you are difficult to love, not because you are weird, …