How many of you didn’t pursue your goals and dreams? How many of you aren’t just grieving what happened to you, but are grieving the loss of who you wanted …

From Toxicity To Triumph
From Toxicity To Triumph
How many of you didn’t pursue your goals and dreams? How many of you aren’t just grieving what happened to you, but are grieving the loss of who you wanted …
“I feel like I am covered in a shroud that no one else can see and that no one else wears”, says Melissa, a 40-something mother of one. Melissa came …
“I’ve been no contact for 23 years…and I still cry every day” “I went no-contact last week and I’ve never felt more free” “I can’t keep playing this Rigged Game, …
“No one would choose this! Why would anyone choose this? Who would go out of their way to be disconnected from a family that is supposedly loving, to lose all …
Injustice can stall us halfway through our stories of recovery. We have grieved the pain and losses, and we have worked on finding our voice, but when that wall of …
Finding safe and supportive communities after experiencing attachment trauma is a real battle. Not because you are undeserving, not because you are difficult to love, not because you are weird, …
“The truest marker of an unhealthy dynamic is when the emotionally mature person starts thinking they’re the asshole every time they choose to prioritize their wellbeing”. If you have never once asked …